- Caring and compassionate
- Courageous; does what has to be done no matter what
- Not controlled by fear or anxiety
- Open and non-discriminatory; accepting of all people and walks of life
- Non-violent; can get things done without physical force or raising your voice
- Very sociable; has lots of genuine friends and enjoys going out and spending time with them, not cooped up in the house
- Energetic, not lazy - laziness is easier than happiness
- Goes after what makes her happy, even if it requires significant effort
- Close with family, keeps in contact with them regularly
- Respectful of the environment, not wasteful, kind to all creatures
- Hard-working, determined
- Respected in her job and in her community
- Strong, physically fit and active; involved in lots of different sports and is totally connected with her body
- Treats her body like a temple
- Always on a quest for knowledge
- Outdoorsy/adventuresome
- Creative, can have fun with little/no money
- A loving spouse
- Has a strong and deep sexual relationship with her spouse
- Sophisticated/elegant, takes care of her appearance
- Spiritually connected
- Trusts herself and God completely; knows in her heart that she will act based on her core values and God's loving will without fearing the consequences
- Does not need external substances/activities to make her feel better/less anxious; is capable of handling stress in a healthy manner
- Follows her dreams
- Finds a career that is her true passion, even if it is not the easiest or most lucrative
- Grateful; expresses her gratitude every day- Accepting of the things she cannot change, and courageous enough to change the things she can
- Generous: gives back to her community and helps others less fortunate
- Not dictated by her ego
- Calm and content, at peace
Top 3:
- Calm and content, at peace
- Energetic, not lazy - laziness is easier than happiness
- Trusts herself and God completely; knows in her heart that she will act based on her core values and God's loving will without fearing the consequences
Now, use these characteristics to describe in vivid detail the woman that I want to become more than anything in the whole world and the life she leads:
This is supposed to provide me the motivation I need to stop binge eating.
I wan't to be someone I admire again. I am totally clean and abstinent, and have no desire to abuse food or alcohol or any other substances in order to numb my feelings or occupy me when I am bored or lonely. When I am recovered, I will no longer be consumed by guilt and anxiety; I will be able to live a life of peace and serenity by fulling connecting to my mind, body, and soul. I will be active and healthy, and have time and energy to do the fun things I want, like dancing or kickboxing, not because I HAVE to so I can lose weight, but because being physically active makes me happy. I will be able to concentrate more fully on my job, acquiring valuable experience while saving money for me to follow my life's passion. I will be healthy enough to stay in my job until it is appropriate to leave, not because I am too weak to continue. I will have a fun, adventurous marriage with my husband, where we actually DO things and are not living in an environment of sadness and guilt. My sexuality will be returned and I will finally get to have a fulfilling sexual relationship with the man I love once more. I will be confident and outgoing. Instead of spending my weekends alone in my apartment, bingeing on everything in sight, I will be going out, making new friends, trying new things, and living life to the fullest. Right now, I feel like I'm just trying to get by. Just trying to keep my head above water. There is no fun, no spark, no real reason to savor life. I want that back, and I need to start believing that it is possible. That it is possible to live a life where I pursue my dream of helping others, while having time to be outdoorsy and sporty AND be connected to my Higher Power. When I eat compulsively, I push him out of my life, and am unable to feel his beautiful love. I am unable to feel anything but guilt and shame and powerlessness. I want to feel empowered again. I forget what that feels like. To feel like I can accomplish anything if I set my mind to it, and that I'm fighting for something I believe in, pursuing a dream that is important to me. When I think of the life I want, this is what I see: a toned, fit, smiling woman, who enjoys snowboarding with her husband on the weekend, cooking a wholesome meal with friends, and finishing the evening with amazing sex. In the morning, I wake up early to do yoga and meditate before heading off to work. I work at a clinic or hospital, helping people overcome addictions and eating disorders. On the side, I might even participate in some tantra workshops! I have lots of friends at work or from school that I see after-hours to wind down or on the weekends. Upon getting home from work, my husband and I take our dogs for a hike before preparing dinner. We fall asleep relaxed and happy, excited to do it all again the next day. I go to church/temple once a week to connect with others in a spiritual environment where I can share with others and feel fulfilled in my spiritual journey.
Wow..that sounds really nice. I MUST force myself to picture this every time I am tempted to binge. There is NOTHING preventing me from living this life I just described, everything is completely achievable and within my reach. I just need to get out of my own way! The only way I can have the life I want is if I STOP my compulsive binge eating, stay focused at my job for a little while longer, and keep myself healthy and spiritually connected. God, please help me do this. I AM strong and I can achieve anything I want to if I put my mind to it. Please help me focus on this goal and remove the desire to binge.
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